AACDS Introduces Digital Credentials to Dermal Therapy Training and Cosmetic Nursing Training
AACDS Introduces Digital Credentials to Dermal Therapy Training and Cosmetic Nursing Training The Australasian Academy of Cosmetic Dermal Science (AACDS) is pleased to announce the introduction of Digital Credentials to students and graduates of all AACDS courses and units of competency. This is a significant step to further enhance the student journey and strengthen employment outcomes…
Read MorePosition Yourself for the Best Start with your ABIC Membership
Position Yourself for the Best Start with your ABIC Membership Finally, the aesthetics industry has one strong national voice, with The Aesthetic Beauty Industry Council, also known as ABIC. As you enter your career in dermal therapies or cosmetic nursing, know there is an industry body to support you. With access to resources and templates…
Read MoreEverything you need to know about Cosmetic Injectables Training
Everything you need to know about Cosmetic Injectables Training The aesthetics industry is expanding every year, and the need for cosmetic nurses with expertise and empathy is growing with it (The Aesthetic Society, 2019). Are you a qualified nurse with a passion for aesthetics? Completing a highly regarded, formal cosmetic injectables training course is an…
Read MoreEntrepreneurship Without a Laptop
Entrepreneurship Without a Laptop In the Western world, we have a very distinct ideology of what a modern businesswoman should be. If you conjure up in your mind a typical businesswoman, she would hold a commerce degree or MBA, have the latest IT device and sport an awesome power suit and pair of heels. Well…so…
Read MoreCosmetic Nurse Training: What’s the Difference between a Weekend Injectables Course and a Formal Qualification in Cosmetic Nursing?
Cosmetic Nurse Training: What’s the Difference between a Weekend Injectables Course and a Formal Qualification in Cosmetic Nursing? Cosmetic nursing is a dynamic, flexible and rewarding career pathway for nurses. The field of aesthetics is rapidly growing on a global scale with significant growth in non-invasive procedures such as laser, body sculpting and cosmetic injectables…
Read MorePSYCHODERMATOLOGY: A New Approach to Dermal Therapies and Cosmetic Nursing
PSYCHODERMATOLOGY: A New Approach to Dermal Therapies and Cosmetic Nursing This is the second of many blogs at the Australasian Academy of Cosmetic Dermal Science (AACDS) featuring journal articles to assist our students’ learning. Today’s featured article is for both dermal therapists and cosmetic nurses and builds upon the last article/blog about holistic patient consultation.…
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